Flickr at 20!

Flickr has recently celebrated its 20th birthday, and as a current but soon to be departed Pro user I thought I’d have a quick look back on my Flickr experience.

I’ve had a pro sub for most of my time on Flickr, and it is only recently that I have stopped thinking it is a necessity. Other photo sharing apps/sites appear to be better these days, and with the decline in DSLR useage and the fact that virtually any phone produces high quality pictures these days, plus the high monthly costs I am looking to move away sometime this year. I have downloaded all my data a few times now and will look at moving everything away soon. I do have a photoprism instance up and running on my home server, and I must really sort that out and have that as the main showcase as it respects 90% of the Flickr data straight away. However the default display is not as good as Flickr and comments etc. are also not as good. I am aiming at a WordPress site to showcase my photos with albums and keep the photoprism instance as a backup! Pixelfed is also starting to come along nicely as an Instagram replacement as I migrate away as much as I can from old style monolithic social media platforms.

So to finish up – yes I will move away, no not quite yet, other platforms arguably do a better job….

My Flickr account can be found here –

My main Pixelfed account can be found here –

I have a very small Pixelfed instance as well that if you want you can sign up to here –

To find out more about Pixelfed check out their site here –

To find out more about Photoprism then your destination is here –

3dcadmin Written by:

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