Not a Microsoft OR Windows issue

I have seen lots of news around the world about the IT chaos that has been going on blaming Microsoft and Windows for the crash and problems. This is yet another example of people who think they know what is happening and yet know nothing. This issue has NOTHING to do with either Microsoft OR Windows, it is an issue by a 3rd party security firm called Crowdstrike who pushed an update that has resulted in many crashes and has had a terrible impact on things. Everybody has jumped on the bandwagon and said wrong things about this – it is in the news because the impact has been huge, but as IT problems goes it pales into insignificance compared to X/Twitter leaking personal account details on 200 million(!) accounts, or Facebook being hacked and over a billion(!) accounts being compromised. We also cannot forget how Apple leaked ALL of its icloud users data a few years back either.

Don’t get me wrong – the impact has been huge, but the misinformation, poor journalism and scaremongering has equally been as bad, if not worse… I am truly disgusted by how news and websites and social media continues to get things wrong on so many levels, and how we have stooped down as low as to believe awfully written pieces and titbits from social media as the truth and nothing but the truth

3dcadmin Written by:

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