Has Elon lost the plot? (again)

In a strange move, Elon Musk and his X company have decided to sue advertisers forahem not advertising on his X platform – this is despite him famously telling the exact same advertiser to go f*ck themselves a bit back. Now…. this all seems a bit strange, like poor (lol) old Elon is losing the plot, but it actually points more towards his narcissistic and megalomaniac personality I feel. It is well documented that he is ADHD and smokes weed, and all of these things just add up to someone who has some serious issues. All of this notwithstanding, these actions today have seen another mass exodus from X citing his behaviour and how X/Twitter is descending into anarchy once again. I can’t remember a single person being this, to be frank, idiotic and chaotic for a while, and it really doesn’t seem to end well, with early reports saying that it has (once again) seriously harmed the X platform. X/Twitter is just a MuskMouthpiece again, and well… like a tired broken old record, I’m saying that perhaps now is the time to leave and go elsewhere. As X/Twitter goes down, threads for example seems a much more vibrant and growing community – mind you that could all change when the inevitable ads start appearing, followed by the censorship that all Meta products and services eventually succumb too. Social Media is having a mare of a 2024 for so many reasons, and this is just yet another one to add to the wastebasket of the tinternet…

3dcadmin Written by:

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