Oops I did it again!

No not the Britney song, but Intel that appears to be heading into train wreck territory rapidly right now. Letting go of over 15,000 employees, massive stock drops and losses in Q2 and consumer confidence at rock bottom. I am hearing that some retails are looking to not stock Intel products moving forwards which is what starts the slide of a company towards bankruptcy…

Think back to Nokia, a company so big in mobiles that people said it couldn’t fail. Well it did, twice (thanks Microsoft) in a pretty short time because the execs thought it was too big to fail. Look out Meta, Google – here is the proof you need to show that big companies CAN and DO fail. This debacle is just a mess, from not disclosing serious flaws, to just being a poor company making poor decisions Intel has some enviable records including the biggest drop on Wall Street since 1974.

It’s too early to say what will happen, but I have gotta say it doesn’t look good for Intel right now. Let us see what pans out, but I will link to 2 videos for you to have a look and see. On the plus point I am already seeing 2nd hand prices of Intel chips fall off a cliff…. and that is a short term plus!

Intel woes
Intel again….
3dcadmin Written by:

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