I have noticed recently that the new normal on social media appears to be conflict. Write a post that upsets people as you are likely to get more interaction than a well written post. This is happening across ALL the platforms these days, even the less conflict ridden ones. It joins the old ones of the good looking single woman posts (I’m looking at you threads), the plain wrong post (say with an incorrect picture to gain attention as people flock to tell you the error) and the one that should stay – the cat picture post! Even over on youtube people are beginning to shitpost videos for effect because, well, the numbers are so important. If you don’t get views and interaction, then well, you won’t see any cash or have any way to make money from the platform or even get offers of products to help you out. Reviews on many platforms are just so biased these days it is untrue! I mean we all know a review is basically an opinion, but you can make them consistent somehow, not based on the fact you were lent a new camera! Anyway – this is turning into an epidemic and it a huge reason why many are simply leaving social media these days. Throw in the constant need to play the system and the ads and data hoarding, and well, you can see why things are getting worse.
I have not posted on this site half as much recently, because, well, the news I set this site up to cover just comes thick and fast, but is 99% bad or about services/platforms declining. Very little good news is coming out on the social media side of things, and this decline in good news has accelerated throughout 2024. I believe there is a very simple reason for this, and yep, it is the olde money thing. As there is less money about, for various reasons, then we see exactly what is happening this year. Declining services and fewer updates and an uptake in ways to squeeze more money out of people to use these things. Free services will eventually have to go (as I have said before) because people are getting fed up of ads (as a simple example) and ways to squeeze them.
I am hopeful that we are approaching the bottom of this curve though as the numbers drop it means that from a business point of view, things will have to change else all of a sudden the tinternet will be just full of tumbleweed. Here’s looking forward to the rise we must surely see soon!

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