I have woken up in the UK today to see that Tik Tok actually did what it threatened to do and go dark in the US. HOWEVER what has amused me and dismayed me in equal measures is that the they have taken the chance to make this political!

As with a few of the US based social media sites, Tik Tok has decided to fall on the side of Trump – and quite likely this means that I cannot recommend Tik Tok moving forward. It joins a few other platforms that are now politically biased, and not in a good way. I do have to wonder how long it is before Bluesky falls into line as well, and then I will not be recommending that platform either….
This worrying trend of platforms trying to make sure they exist by becoming political reminds me of Europe in the 1930s – something that didn’t end well at all. I cannot believe that the US is going down this route, they remind me of firms like Nokia who thought they were too big to fail, or even closer to this websites ethos MySpace, remember that website?
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