A few news items!

Excite Audio has released its first synth in the Bloom series – Bloom Synth Atmosphere. Look out for a quick review soon!


Prism Live studio has had an update which adds a simple dual output mode for vertical AND horizontal streaming. I am enjoying the way Prism is going, and already I feel it shows more potential than OBS for a lot of streamers!


Also I have posted about this before but the latest Facebook decision to delete live streams over 30 days seems to be a backwards step. I guess the next thing is that maybe pictures and other things will be deleted, in which case Facebook will really cease to be the goto social media platform, if it still is. This is purely a monetary decision and I can see a time when you will have to pay for a Facebook account unless you want serious restrictions . I have said it before and will again – the plan here is to eventually make people pay for an account as ad revenues etc. are not covering the costs any longer. Same as ads will come to the other social media platforms that are US based. It is just a matter of when…

3dcadmin Written by:

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