I am seeing multiple people alleging Meta stole huge amounts of copyrighted works, with currently the most mentioned one is where Meta knowingly downloaded 82tb! of data pertaining to books and then used that to train its AI systems. Now Meta has been sued multiple times for copyright theft with varying amounts of success, but this one is now progressing to a rather large class action lawsuit and will no doubt result in another eye watering fine that Meta will try its hardest to not pay…
Now – here is the thing, as this continues to happen, and Meta continues to flaunt the law whilst hammering its user with community violations I am finding it harder and harder to even recommend anybody to continue to use Meta products. Now I know that it is hard when people have been using these tools for 15+ years but I think it really is time to move onto other means. If you decide to continue with Meta products just be aware that you are in effect just helping copyright theft in huge amounts – so if you are a creative person say a musician or writer all I can say is shame on you!

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