Insta360 X4 released…

Awesome news coming today with the release of the Insta360 X4, and it’s got some great upgrades! Only downside I can see is it’s a bit larger…
So what are the highlights of this new camera? Well 8K 360 video is the biggest thing, followed by 4K60 360 video as well. Some other welcome upgrades including gesture control meaning it won’t hog a mobile device are welcome as well. This isn’t a review but there are a few decent videos to check it out and see what is what and I’ll link to them below!

Suffice to say this is the first upgrade from my old One X that I really want. So I’m going to save up for one of these bad boys!

Insta360 X4
8K X4
Insta360 X3 v Insta360 X4

That’s enough for now, but that resolution bump and gesture controls make this worthwhile for me. and as the Insta360 X4 is a couple of cameras in reality I am saving hard…

3dcadmin Written by:

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