Last updated on May 15, 2024
*EDIT* Now Eposvox has uploaded a youtube video about youtube. Post updated
I have said a lot of similar things about a lot of platforms lately, but Eposvox says it straight here when he talks about the demise of Youtube in many ways. My take is a lot simpler – all the platforms seem hell bent on chasing money, I mean the fact that the world has had low interest rates and nearly zero inflation for 25 years has to have an effect, and the effect is that these platforms need more money than ever. We have all seen it in nearly every platform/service on the tinternet. This site runs on WordPress and money/payment for things that have been free like forever is now rife. Jetpack for example has limits on sharing content now (and don’t get me started on the demise of X/Twitter with its megalomaniac owner). The funny thing is that the Eposvox rant is NOT on youtube – probably because it won’t get seen as they chase the cash! Anyway – the link is below, it is worth a read…

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