I am forever getting people asking me about how FB and Meta are making things difficult and how to get back to the old days so I have compiled a few tips to help you get better results from FB in 2024. I do have to say though that the time that posting on FB was the easiest and best social media platform are long gone. With the ability to snooze someone, block someone or the multitude of ways to limit posts and profiles – you are never going to be seen as much as you used to be. I do also have to say that the priorities of FB to make money over showing your content also means that if something is time sensitive, other social media platforms are way, way better. That being said there are a few things you can do to help things…

If you get the latest issue of your posts being deleted for spam or going against community standards as they link away from FB, there is a real simple and fairly quick way to sort this out. Your 1st post needs to be saying about what you will be linking to, mentioning that the link is in the comments, and then yes, just link in the comments. Metas AI post moderation really is pants, and doing this 99.9% of the time means your outside link will NOT be removed. It does of course take twice as long as you have to post twice, but it does the job. I have tested this and it really does work. Just goes to show how shocking things are getting when you need to try and con the system just to post…. I have said before that I think eventually outside links from FB will just fail to work most of the time except for a few platforms. Youtube for example seems pretty good and you tend not to get things deleted from there but this could and probably will change. Meta want to keep you on FB at all costs and not go elsewhere. Also try to not make exaggerated claims in a post with a link or mention the actual website you are linking too as this also triggers something as spam (or as they put it trying to get likes maliciously)

Next thing to try is to use a different Meta platform (Instagram and/or threads) and then get your content automagically posted to Facebook. Instagram has over 2 billion registered users, and these days is way better for interaction than FB. It is very easy to turn on sharing to FB in the settings, and you can also turn on sharing to threads too. this means 1 Instagram post is automagically posted to 3 platforms, with the bonus that it is currently very, very rare for an IG post to be removed from FB. The cons are you need to spend a bit more time making a nice graphical and pleasing post for IG for it to be seen and work well, but if you do that it is 1 post to reach everybody on Metas platforms in one fell swoop. This is probably my recommended way to do things as it really does seem to work the best if you are on limited time. If you tweak your threads setting you can also get things to appear on the fediverse if you so wish, so within reason that will reach the maximum reach because you can post on Instagram and share to FB, Threads AND the Fediverse in one fell swoop. I won’t go into threads and the Fediverse here but this is maximum reach with one post and currently seems the best way to achieve this simply….

Next up is a simple one, but not many like this! Boost a post, ie. pay for it. Of course this needs no real discussion, if you pay to boost a post they don’t remove it and more people see it. This can work, but obviously needs a budget as the lower boost costs don’t really make much difference, and you can quite quickly get into quite large amounts of money. If you selectively boost posts, for example, if you hold a monthly event you only need to boost once a month for a decent exposure rather than all the time. If you are using FB to promote a business, then this can be pretty effective, but I just recommend you exercise caution because despite what FB says, the reach advantage isn’t what it used to be at all. As I said, far too many ways that posts are limited including boosted posts. However, there is a caveat here, if you boost a post in a group it currently seems to work really well, far better than the dreaded @everyone and @highlight tags than annoy a large amount of people!
Cons and pros to this method – it seems that recently boosting posts has lost some of its effectiveness and the price to get a decent reach is also higher than ever before as FB seeks to make more money

Finally if you want to really maximise things – then please get away from posting links and things on your main profile page but use groups and pages for what they are meant to be used for. Now this is something I’m not a big fan of, as currently being an admin of a group is a mahoosive headache, for many reasons. This works really well, content is rarely removed unless it is clickbaity, and well if people are in a group or on a page then they are really interested in your content, right?
Now I have come away from many groups because of the dreaded @everyone and @highlight tags, and also the fact that groups can quickly turn into massive slanging matches, but if you already run a group then well this is a no-brainer. Cons – it can quickly become a full time job being admin of a group, especially if it becomes popular. You will quickly need extra help, and well some people might not be receptive to lend a hand. This is also a time consuming way to run something because you will need to promote the group as well as the links away from FB if that’s how you roll. The upside is that this is probably the best way to do it, especially if you also boost the odd post here and there. You will 100% get the best engagement. For maximum effect you can always combine this with using IG and Threads as well if you wish…

Please don’t take everything in this post as the gospel truth and how to achieve what you want on FB and the tinternet in 2024. I hope this has given you some ideas how to perhaps improve things for you. FB is fighting with many other platforms right now, social media seems to have gone over the summit of useage for many as well as people seem to have got fed up with the constant hassle it can be. The glory days of a post getting thousands of likes and going viral pretty much seem to be over, and in fact with a lot of platforms not having like numbers it pretty much is disappearing. But FB still has the largest user base (3 billion give or take) so it has to be part of your life in some ways for many. Happy Facebooking!
I also have to add (I forgot – how remiss of me!) that having a picture attached to a post with a FB logo or mentioning FB stands a high chance of being classed as spam too. This post when linked to FB automagically was classed as spam and removed. Posting without a FB logo and with the link in the comments has passed the tests!!!
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