Facebook admits scraping in AU

Facebook has admitted that it scraped EVERY Australian adults public posts and photos to train its own AI with NO opt-out option. This shows why I am personally warning people about Metas shady and wrong tactics. You can literally guarantee that if they did this in Australia they have done it worldwide, and with the fact that for a long time all posts were effectively they will have scraped a hell of a lot of pictures and public posts causing a privacy nightmare. If you couple this with the fact that scraping companies that just scrape regardless and then sell your data for AI are huge business right now and well…. it is right to say that in a few years social media and just general internet usage will change for ever. The only way I can see that social media will survive this is if the “free” accounts disappear and people pay to be kept safe and secure – though the majority of people say they won’t do that. If that is the case, well then I can see social media as we see it not existing any longer!


3dcadmin Written by:

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