I have posted before about how Ebay has fallen from grace in many ways, yet people still said it was their favoured auction site and go to for buying used gear. Well I received an email yesterday that seems to be another nail in the coffin of Ebay. The email basically says that they will be offering Buyer Protection in the UK from 4th February 2025. On first thoughts this seems like a really good idea, and is similar to say Vinted. But the email then goes on to say that there will be some significant changes, including Private Sellers won’t receive their money until after the item has been delivered which obviously means that everything will need to be sent tracked and signed for in the UK else buyers will just say it wasn’t recieved or use Ebays own Simple Delivery service. Now I have no issue with Tracked deliveries or Simple Delivery service but picking up items in person and things like that will be a bit more contentious. The other issue is that this Buyer Protection is MANDATORY and is added on when you sell something. This will inevitably add to prices, and thus will mean that Ebay will rapidly become way more expensive than it already is! Items are already more on Ebay than on other sites and platforms, so I cannot see how this will help Ebay in any way, shape OR form…
Now if you read that article Ebay are spinning that this is all positive, but I cannot see how it is in reality. It will make a service that has become expensive even more so after February 4th. You will have to pay extra on postage using tracked and signed for or Ebays own service thus making them more money and reducing your profit meaning you will increase prices. When Ebay started it was great for some bargains, that time has gone now and will only get worse….
I really think that Ebay, like some other platforms, has lost the plot. Prices on the tinternet have been increasing (think Amazon Prime benefits being reduced) over the last couple of years and this is yet another thing to add to an ever increasing list of increased rates we have to pay. I’d like to see your thoughts on this development!

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