News has come in that Americans view Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, the bosses of… Read the postHow Americans view social media bosses?
It has been reported that the Australian Senate has passed a motion that will see… Read the postAustralian Senate approves social media ban for under 16’s
I have seen recently (well since the US election) that many have decided that enough… Read the postThe Xodus appears to be heading Blueskys way!
Here in the UK there is a wildly covered court case going on right now… Read the postHas the negative social media coverage affected it?
2024 has seen a real paradigm shift in Social Media and its usage. I have… Read the postWhat is happening with the fediverse?
Amongst my peers, and I’m old now (55) AI isn’t popular at all, and nearly… Read the postAI hyped but not used?
Well it had to happen and the following article explains more, but saying to eat… Read the postGoogle AI search in hilarious fails!
I received the message from Facebook/Meta relating to AI late last night and I decided… Read the postUpdate Meta/Facebook AI
The last Apple ipad with a headphone jack has been removed from sale. I reckon… Read the postApple removes headphone jack from iPad
Whilst nothing new to me and many others, it is nice to see that everywhere… Read the postUS Media sees huge Meta drop in engagement