Facebook warning!

Last updated on April 4, 2024

It appears that (at least in the UK) Facebook has removed the ability to download your photos from your facebook account right now. I know the feature was there but it isn’t now (well at least for me and a few others). This is a massive issue because you cannot get a copy of your photos back at the moment, so there is a real chance of you losing them unless you have an alternative backup method.

I cannot emphasise enough that Facebook is not a reliable way to keep your photos and memories safe. You need to have an alternative way to keep your photos, data and memories safe or risk losing them. Time and time again I hear of people losing their data that they thought was safe with Facebook. This is a free service, they give no guarantees or promises to keep any of your data safe. In fact, given the massive amount of lawsuits they are currently going through, I think it’s pretty safe to say they will give any and all of your data to anybody, so if it is something personal think long and hard before you give up anything to Facebook.

Too often and over too many accounts have Facebook messed up. Please be aware of this and act accordingly

3dcadmin Written by:

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