3dctube closing down….

I have taken the decision today to close down my Peertube instance at
along with a few other services as server costs mean that 1 of my servers has to go. I might start up another peertube instance, but right now costs are just too great, and donations are well non-existent. There might be a chance to sort something out in the future but right now I am cutting back on some things and streamlining what I am hosting/running. I will upgrade my home yunohost server with the savings and self-host more from home as it is battery backed up and has an alright net connection. I have moved 1 other server to a new host at Contabo which is higher powered and cheaper because it is based in the EU. We shall see what the next couple of months bring! The experience has been great, it has helped me in many ways, but it is time to concentrate and regroup for now. For a decent Peertube instance I recommend


3dcadmin Written by:

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